(October 14-17, Tel Aviv) The Chamber was honored to host the 2018 Annual meeting of the American Chambers of Commerce in Europe (ACE).  Forty participants representing 33 countries throughout Europe attended the four-day conference that included both business and an overview of Israel both as an innovation nation and of its rich history and culture. The meeting emphesized the Chamber's efforts to strengthen its and its members' relationships through a wide network of relationships.

ACE includes forty-four chambers of commerce that represent over 17,000 European and American companies that employ together over 20 million people and are responsible for over 5 trillion dollars of cumulative revenues.  Some of the Chambers are over 100 years old while others in Eastern Europe are much more recent.

The conference, which took place at the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel, included two-days internal ACE program; a day tour to Yad Vashem and Jerusalem's Old City, and a day tour of innovative Israeli companies. The Chamber Board of Directors hosted the guests for a festive reception dinner in Jaffa that was attended by Executive Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC, Mr. Myron Brilliant and U.S. Embassy's Senior Commercial Officer Ms. Ireas Cook.